Thursday, September 1, 2011


So i should be getting ready to walk to class, but i wanted to post on here before I did. I know my life is going kindda crazy and I have not had a lot of time to do too much on here, or even talk to Jack (WHICH is killing me btw). Any way this was to just let him know I miss him and think about him everyday. Well off to get more homework


  1. As you adjust to college life, hopefully you'll be able to find times to talk to Jack without shortchanging your studies. If you can settle into a daily and weekly routine, it may help. Of course the routine has to be flexible, so you can spend extra time on papers and preparing for exams. But still you should be okay if you don't take on too much extracurricular stuff or do a lot of partying.

  2. Your most important responsibility right now is what lies directly in front of you, just like 'Nat' says... Once things settle down, you'll have more free time if you're organized and don't get behind the 'eight ball' from the beginning, like some guys do.

    College is a different experience, especially in your freshman year. Don't be intimidated but go with your instincts and stay ahead of the work as much as possible... Make sure to eat as healthy as possible and get enough sleep. I've seen illness really screw up a semester because of too much partying and loss of sleep, resulting in a large loss of tuition.

    Just be reasonable and you'll be fine. Soon enough, there will be ample opportunity to play. For now, just smile, be friendly, and don't shut the doors on future fun and opportunities. luv, tman<3

  3. Ah, college life!
    The schedule will settle down pretty quickly, and your time management skills will improve to the point where you do have some free time. But it sounds like you are off on the right foot: putting the studies first. None of us are going anywhere, so get acclimated and sort out the roomies' schedules (I know friends who posted their roommates' schedules on their monitors so they'd know when the room would be free!). As Nat and tman pointed out, a routine, good food, and plenty of sleep will help a lot!

    Catch you online when you've got some free time!

    Peace <3
